About Me

Assistant Professor @ Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi | Former Director of Machine Learning @ Moody’s Analytics | Predictive Analytics | NLP | AI in Finance

Dr. Taoran Ji is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. As a machine learning specialist, he focuses on creating innovative solutions for complex real-world challenges. His research spans multiple domains, including time-series forecasting, event detection and forecasting, financial market analysis, event impact analysis, and natural language processing. Dr. Ji actively engages in the academic community, contributing as both an author and reviewer for top-tier machine learning conferences.

Prior to his academic career, Dr. Ji was the Director of Machine Learning at Moody’s Analytics, where he led initiatives in credit risk evaluation and adverse media screening through advanced sequential data modeling.

Recent News

One paper was accepted by ACL.

This paper investigates the ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to detect implicit hate speech and assess their confidence in responses.

One paper was accepted by NAACL.

This paper explores the use of multimodal methodologies for stock volatility prediction, addressing overfitting and gender bias through adversarial training to enhance fairness and robustness.

One paper was accepted by TKDD.

This paper introduced a novel deep learning model for long-term citation forecasting in scientific patents and publications.

Selected Publications
(2023). Bridging the Gap between Spatial and Spectral Domains: A Unified Framework for Graph Neural Network. ACM Computing Surveys.
(2021). Dynamic Multi-Context Attention Networks for Citation Forecasting of Scientific Publications. In AAAI.
(2019). Patent Citation Dynamics Modeling via Multi-Attention Recurrent Networks. In IJCAI.
(2017). Crowdsourcing Cybersecurity: Cyber Attack Detection using Social Media. In CIKM.
(2017). Determining Relative Airport Threats from News and Social Media. In AAAI.
Meet Our Team

PhD Students

Name Date Joined Expected Graduation Date
Elnur Adl Zarabi August 2024 TBD

Master’s Students

Name Date Joined Expected Graduation Date
Amit Kumar January 2024 May 2025
Abhishek Joshi January 2024 May 2025

COSC-6334: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

COSC-6354: Artificial Intelligence